Monday, December 31, 2012

Project 365

I am a perfectionist to the core.  For that very reason, I don't like to set New Year's resolutions for fear of failing at them.  I'm working on being more relaxed and so when I heard about "Project 365", I knew this was a resolution even I could do.

The object of doing a "Project 365" is to take at least one picture a day, every day, for the entire year. 
So here are my "rules"

  1. It's ok to miss a day, a week, a month....the point is to keep trying
  2. It's ok to use my iPhone, point and shoot, or DSLR...just take a picture!
  3. It doesn't need to be perfect
  4. Take risks
  5. Learn
  6. Have fun!
Along this journey I hope to learn more about the magic of light, composition, and angles.  I want to grow as a photographer and as an added bonus, document my life.  All that's left is to start shooting!
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